Vyhledáváním bylo nalezeno 3 výsledků

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Re: Investice do nemovitostí (byt)

In place of investing in buying real estate, I would prefer investing in real estate stocks for the long run. Also with Warren Buffett coming in power, the Real estate market is set to BOOM.
od Gwenlier
12. 1. 2017 06:33
Sekce: Investování
Téma: Investice do nemovitostí (byt)
Odpovědi: 28
Zobrazení: 15273

Re: Jak nejvhodněji investovat střednědobě, dlouhodobě?

Since 1926, dividends have contributed nearly a third of total equity return, while capital gains have contributed approximately two-thirds. By ignoring high-quality dividend stocks, you could be ignoring additional gains of 33%. Hence I have started investing in stocks to buy and hold forever.
od Gwenlier
9. 1. 2017 06:34
Sekce: Investování
Téma: Jak nejvhodněji investovat střednědobě, dlouhodobě?
Odpovědi: 59
Zobrazení: 30884

Re: Dividendy akcie daně

At today’s price, Microsoft stock has an annual dividend yield of 2.5%.

It’s not easy to predict the stock market’s next move but, as long as Microsoft’s ecosystem keeps running, the company should have no problem continuing to rewarding income investors.

I am investing in MSFT
od Gwenlier
6. 1. 2017 06:57
Sekce: Investování
Téma: Dividendy akcie daně
Odpovědi: 168
Zobrazení: 48199

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