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yowie píše:Podívejte, pokud fakulta VŠE, ze které pocházejí pan Jindra s paní Zadražilovou, dostane 500 000,- a pak říkají hezké věci o Amway, aniž by vůbec tušili o čem mluví, tak na mě to moc dobře nepůsobí, ať se jedná o Amway, nebo o VŠE.
yowie píše:Jinak si to Fitzpatrickovo CV přečtěte ještě jednou prosím. Bakalář je v USA undergraduate, nicméně Fitzpatrick je v oboru sociologie graduate, tedy magistr nebo doktor...
The Bachelor of Arts degrees (BA, AB, BS, BSc, SB, ScB, BAAS; also known as Artium Baccalaureus) are the most common undergraduate degrees given. Originally, in the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin, all undergraduate degrees were in the faculty of arts, hence the name of the degree. The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) is an undergraduate degree that bridges academic and work-life experiences.
In the United States, the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Artium Baccalaureus (A.B.) is one of two basic undergraduate degrees.
yowie píše:Navíc dost možná za dnešní problémy Amwaye v Indii může on, protože tam i školil lidi ze státní zprávy, jak poznat pyramidy.
Mohan R. Lavi, Member, Ficci Sub-Committee on Direct Selling, said direct selling has not been defined in any Act. Because of this, other Acts (such as the Prize Chit and Money Circulation Act) are being misinterpreted and applied to such cases. This, he said, is unfortunate as the PCMC Act is primarily concerned with distribution of monies while in the case of Amway there are underlying products involved. I do not see money being circulated amongst Amway members without the sale of an underlying product, he said.
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