@ROP výdaje na nákup jdou uplatnit až při prodeji? Vzdycky jsi uvadel odkaz na paragraf a ted nic.
Ale kdo se moc pta, moc se dozvi

A kdo nevi ze neco nejde, jde a udela to

Jo a kdyz budes je spamovat ze maji report neprehledny tak je aspon sance, ze ho zprehledni… ja tam teda nakupoval vzdy bez poplatku tak me to netrapi, leda ten 2,5€ za vedeni kazde burzy, si mohu dat do nakladu?
Mozna nam budou zase neco (neprelozeneho) blokovat:
Since this year, a new PRIIPs regulation has come into effect. Due to these changes some ETFs have been blocked for buying.
Issuers are still working on documentation.
We understand this situation is not desirable for our clients. We are in contact with the ETF/fund issuers, and they are working on making more products available in your country. Passporting to your country and making a KID available in the local language is the responsibility of the ETF/Fund issuer. They are still working on this, and we are adding new products frequently.